Episode 10

Common Sense-We've Grown Up Differently

Blue-Collar BS Ep10 Common Sense

In this episode, Steve and Brad discuss why the 58-59-year-old guy who is running the construction site is reluctant to hire a 24-year-old? Why are there all these biases against different people and practicality? Where did common sense go?

People grew up differently. Their worlds and expectations are completely different. What seemed to be a practical common knowledge to the boomer or Gen X, is not common knowledge or practical to the millennial or Gen Z. And the opposite holds true on the technology front. What is common sense to a boomer, is not the same as the common sense to the Gen X, millennials or the Gen Z.  We have to spend more time with the other generations to explain what our expectations are, and to listen to them.

Episode Summary

01:10 – Boomers could actually sit in their cars/tractors and work on them. Common sense got built into their daily life.

08:40 – Gen Z today does not have that opportunity to learn and grow unless they have someone who is willing to show them.

09:55 – Industry 5.0 and the common sense around that is very different than the common sense of running a manual machine.

12:24 – The older guys need to understand the technology; the younger guys need to know that practical application.

15:10 – We have to sit down, all at the same table, and have that conversation, and be willing to listen.

Contact your hosts:

Steve Doyle: 

Website: https://stephendoylejr.com/

LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/stephendoylejr

Email: SDoyle@FocalPointCoaching.com     


Brad Herda:

Website: https://www.vfbsolutions.com/

LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/brad-herda

Email: BHerda@FocalPointCoaching.com          

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Blue-Collar BS
Disrupting the "Old Guard" while solving Today's "People Problem"

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Stephen Doyle