Episode 46
GenZ in manufacturing with Eric Thompson
We are excited to Welcome our first GenZ guest Eric Thompson.
Eric walks us through how he got into the Blue Collar industry. How he always had an interest in taking things apart and seeing how things worked. He worked in machining and designing in his high school robotics program. This is what created his interest in engineering which led him to get his bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering.
He is now an Application Engineer at Furey Filter & Pump, Inc. He talks about his perspective as being one of the younger employees in his company. How he has been embraced by his coworkers, what his goals are for the future and he gives some advice for the younger generation thinking of getting into manufacturing.
Episode Highlights:
03:00 - Eric's story of getting into manufacturing.
9:20 - How Eric has dealt with being the youngest in his company and how the seasoned employees have helped and guided him.
15:28 - How past experience can really help you and gain respect from your team even as being one of the youngest employees in the building.
20:19 - Eric's advice for the younger generation and how everyone should have basic knowledge of how to work with their hands.
Contact your hosts:
Steve Doyle:
Brad Herda:
Eric Thompson:
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my friend brad heard how are you doing today
herda]:and wonderful m stephen doyle and how is your friday afternoon here in mid to
herda]:late october
doyle]:it is excellent it is cool it is crisp it is raining perfect mid west
herda]:rain no rain here partly cloudy but it's going to get really find cold tonight
herda]:so winter is
herda]:rearing its ugly heads
doyle]:perfect it is perfect so well today on the show brad
doyle]:who do we have today on the show
herda]:today on this show we are honored
herda]:and pleased to have our first gen z guest who happened to go back aways
herda]:he's part of the robotics team that i was so fortunate to mentor great young
herda]:gentleman who has completed his education and is now a productive member of society m
herda]:erick thompson
thompson]:thanks for having me
herda]:thanks for letting us twist your arm
herda]:baiting the showing up
doyle]:uh yeah
doyle]:so before we get started eric we always ask everybody the same question which generation
doyle]:do you best fit in with
thompson]:um technically by year the first year gens i'm not really sure if i fit
thompson]:in there but i also don't think i fit in with millennials that well i'm
thompson]:kind of in a gray one i'm sure that everyone right on the edge of
thompson]:two generations fields
herda]:yes you're in that you're in that yes you're in the circle of the friend
herda]:zone so to speak shall we say
doyle]:friend zone
thompson]:year i am the first year gens
herda]:that's right
doyle]:excellent while we
doyle]:get to welcome our first gen zero on the show so welcome
herda]:so eric obviously we've known each other for a few years now right good or
herda]:bad for me maybe not so good for you
thompson]:it's been good
herda]:thank you
herda]:walk us through kind of your your exposure to trade skills things what your journey
herda]:was like through robotics and then how you decided maybe to get down that down
herda]:your educational path post high school
thompson]:starting out when i was young i've always wanted to know how stuff worked love
thompson]:taking stuff apart pretty much the story of any engineer i'm not always going to
thompson]:say i was the best putting it back together
herda]:the key
herda]:there's the key
thompson]:great at take and stuff apart
thompson]:enjoyed that and then got to high school found out they had a robotic program
thompson]:decided to join and went into the machining and design role there so got to
thompson]:learn how to use mills lays anything you see in the any mechanical thing you
thompson]:see in the machine shop i didn't do any of the c and c type
thompson]:stuff but that got me real interested in engineering through talking through a couple of
thompson]:the mentors in robotics i figured out i wanted to do engineering i did a
thompson]:couple different schools ended up going to w stout for mechanical engineering there for four
thompson]:years got graduated twenty nineteen in mechanical engineering their first year so i'm the first
thompson]:year of stout's mechanical engineering program and then i
herda]:just a ton
thompson]:a cup
herda]:first going on here eric
thompson]:ton of first
thompson]:so got a job right out of college
thompson]:got laid off during all the fun covid stuff and now i'm currently at my
thompson]:second job over at fury filtering pump and i'm technically an application engineer there so
thompson]:part mechanical engineering part in side sales
herda]:awesome do you does
doyle]:very cool
herda]:is fury do they have their own shop do they produce their own goods and
herda]:services or is it all outside
thompson]:we do almost everything in shop so
thompson]:we are a large scale pump supply or so we do anything from just supplying
thompson]:like all the c n c pumps at harley davidson we also do a lot
thompson]:of oil and gas a lot of dairy things like that so we'll build out
thompson]:full pump skids any of the pumping needs that you may have we can help
thompson]:with so we got projects in the bahamas we got projects across the us
thompson]:anywhere and everywhere in between that involves a pump
herda]:okay so does your robotics experience and the exposure that you had to making things
herda]:creating things working from a working from a print and making chips has that helped
herda]:you at all your communications or environment at your current role going back and forth
herda]:from the floor from a design and application perspective
thompson]:so i still do sometimes design up my job more often than now but i'm
thompson]:creating quotes
thompson]:and things like that but i still do use solid works at work and drop
thompson]:all my own designs if i need to if the other side is busy so
thompson]:having that knowledge i actually learned how to cad model in high school and then
thompson]:learned clearly a little bit more in college but
thompson]:that's what
herda]:a little
thompson]:my interest in
thompson]:any bit
thompson]:but that's what started it but i would say the thing that's helped me more
thompson]:than knowing how to machine knowing how to design
thompson]:is what i learned in robotics was how we use the bill of materials how
thompson]:to track the stages of progression through
thompson]:build and just the documentation side is what i use i would say a lot
thompson]:more because while i am inside sales i do project manage my own projects so
thompson]:making sure everything is ordered everything on time can through it like that
doyle]:so take me back because obviously you and brad have a have a history like
doyle]:in robotic so
doyle]:take our listeners
herda]:and who
herda]:do i look like
thompson]:no idea
herda]:okay eric
thompson]:not me
doyle]:so take us
doyle]:back take our listeners back to when you were in the robotics
doyle]:the high school robotics you know working on things with your hands what was the
doyle]:moment that kind of clicked for you that said this is what i want to
doyle]:be doing
thompson]:i would just say it was day and day out of working on the lathe
thompson]:that's mostly what i did and i was just building parts and it got repetitive
thompson]:tiring you're like really kind of what's the point of this
thompson]:and then once the parts were made
thompson]:and you got to start assembling the robot itself seeing that all the work you
thompson]:put in beforehand it's finally coming together you're building a whole machine and then after
thompson]:you're done you look at it and you're like we built that that was just
thompson]:a pile of raw stock beforehand we designed all the parts we machine all the
thompson]:parts ourselves and then we assembled it all and now we got a full working
thompson]:robot that we get to go compete with it was that scene going from thoughts
thompson]:in our heads and brain stormings to getting raw stock to you need all of
thompson]:that the whole process of being able to watch it all come together as i
thompson]:think what inspired me to the mechanical engineering route
doyle]:cool and so how is that expertise and knowledge that you learn there how is
doyle]:that transpired into kind of lie where you are today and the second part is
doyle]:where you want to be tomorrow
thompson]:so i would just say the basic knowledge is learn machining laren to be more
thompson]:organized i'm still not going to say i am the most organized person
thompson]:learned how
thompson]:to be organized
thompson]:and i have my own system that works haven't dropped anything yet bad so we're
thompson]:still doing good
thompson]:but the organization everything like that i kind of just set me up for my
thompson]:job now i have to follow through well in high school it was just one
thompson]:project you had now i'm running multiple projects working on different things every day i
thompson]:mean just being able to keep everything straight and being able to have that basic
thompson]:knowledge beforehand that was you can handle one project eventually you'll learn to step up
thompson]:through a couple of more so i would
thompson]:say it was just that base level learn the basics get that all down and
thompson]:then you can build on top of that add more and add more so i
thompson]:mean when i started my job here i was only working on one two projects
thompson]:at a time and now i can be working on it where eight nine keep
thompson]:them all flowing pretty well so like anything else you get that base level in
thompson]:and you'll be are set up for the future and where i want to be
thompson]:i mean right now i'm still only a year and a half in at this
thompson]:job so i can't really say that i'm even beginning to scratch the surface of
thompson]:everything i can do
thompson]:but i'm just going to try to keep keeping my head down get the work
thompson]:done make sure nothing falls through the cracks and i think that's really the most
thompson]:important thing for me right now
herda]:so i
doyle]:so with with the current employment that you have obviously you're one of the younger
doyle]:in the work force
doyle]:how is that experience going being
doyle]:younger than the work force like from a let's just
doyle]:talk from a like a communication
doyle]:standpoint with
thompson]:um so i am the youngest of my company right now but over all it's
thompson]:really been that big of an issue clearly you're going to have
thompson]:some of the stuff it's really the biggest thing that i found is it's whether
thompson]:or not the older generation is willing to teach i have been lucky that i've
thompson]:had really good people at my work that have been willing to take me under
thompson]:their wing like clearly they have a lot of the knowledge that i do not
thompson]:have yet they've been in the industry thirty forty years and i came in no
thompson]:knowledge of the pumping applications industry
thompson]:so then well to take the time in introduce me to it has been the
thompson]:biggest thing i mean clearly you're always going to have some small issues whether it's
thompson]:zoom calls and you're trying to get everyone on it you fifteen people on the
thompson]:zoom call and seven people can't be heard and
thompson]:two people are
thompson]:they just got random static in the background but i mean like all that's able
thompson]:to be worked through that's not an issue so
herda]:that's hilarious
thompson]:yeah m
herda]:technology is sometimes
herda]:not your friend i get it it's it's
herda]:it is different as you are as you've entered the work for us even previous
herda]:employments and through your intern ships and different things did you always have a cent
herda]:was there a sense of hey you belong here you are you're wanted or was
herda]:it a some of the places
herda]:more of a yeah you're just the kid that just came in the
herda]:door you don't know shit so just leave me alone and go file that paper
herda]:make that drawing was there any of that at all
thompson]:there's been some of h i mean it is hard to get really into the
thompson]:work flow while you're on an intern ship you're on i did two three months
thompson]:ensurnships in college so it's really hard to integrate yourself into a working environment when
thompson]:you're only there for three months you know you're going to be gone and they
thompson]:know you're going to be gone so it's like how much time are you
thompson]:really going invest in someone when it's not really going to pay off in three
thompson]:months because working now i've been working for a year and a half three months
thompson]:doesn't seem like anything and i've only been in it for a little bit so
thompson]:i can only imagine people that are in it twenty thirty years every summer you
thompson]:get a new kate coming in i mean how much time are you really going
thompson]:to spend with each kid but since i've been at fury fury filtering pump everybody
thompson]:s been willing i mean the hardest part was when i was hired on we
thompson]:had a lack of people and just at that time the higher ups couldn't spend
thompson]:three hours teaching me how to do something so it was kind of thrown into
thompson]:the deep end and i mean i learned through it but now that we're more
thompson]:we have more people there were able to spend more time with each people so
thompson]:i've had i think i am there's nine or ten people hired since me in
thompson]:the last year and a half
thompson]:and as we get more each person is getting better because we're able to spend
thompson]:more time we're not so pushed for time on each thing we're able to spend
thompson]:more time building up their skills before kind of throwing them into everything
herda]:okay how how much time do you get to go out on the floor and
herda]:and learn and end see um or talk to the gentlemen on the floor about
herda]:can we make this application work we make it more efficient can we find a
herda]:way to do it maybe for less to create more margin opportunities um some of
herda]:those things back from the rock we didn't we had a budget but we didn't
herda]:actually care i mean i believe you worked on one of the material cost sheet
herda]:one year um wasn't a big deal but now that you're in real life an
herda]:adult i let those things
herda]:now matter
doyle]:uh uh
herda]:how has that interaction
herda]:been in um in the organization and has it been open open arms or or
thompson]:so my first couple of weeks that i spent the entire time on the floor
thompson]:learning basically how to assemble pumps assemble pump skids motor assemblies things like that so
thompson]:i just got a
thompson]:base of like this is everything
thompson]:you're going to need when you start quoting i meag every pumps got to have
thompson]:obviously the pump the motor the coupling guard the couplings the base played and all
thompson]:the bolts and everything you need on that aspect so learning everything i needed beforehand
thompson]:was good so when i was eventually building up my p m u
thompson]:it wouldn't be that i was forgetting major components
thompson]:as of making stuff more efficient in margin i build up a quote got everything
thompson]:in there and it kind of doesn't really change that often for me a lot
thompson]:of our stuff is speck based so
thompson]:it's not like hey i can switch out this for a different thing i mean
thompson]:i work a lot in oil and gas right now and oil and gas it's
thompson]:explosion proof like you don't get a just substitute out i can't substitute a random
thompson]:motor in like
thompson]:they're willing to pay for making it right but it's not like i can be
thompson]:like hey there's this new experimental
thompson]:thing that one of our vendors has and let's just try it in this application
herda]:new rocket we're
herda]:to space it
herda]:just needs fuel no big deal
thompson]:it's fine it's fine
herda]:it'll be
thompson]:just have all this jet fuel spilling on the ground don't worry about it
thompson]:most of the time when i do have to go
thompson]:on to the floor it's just following up with projects or it's that something went
thompson]:wrong i mean we get base plates in from one of our vendors something is
thompson]:a machine core l it's going in trying to figure out different solutions to still
thompson]:get it out on time so whether that's putting in threaded inserts and changing our
thompson]:bolts from one size down to another so we can still get everything out that's
thompson]:more so when i'm out on the floor fixing the problems
herda]:but when you walk on the floor are you you received on the floor as
herda]:a hey you're a member of this team or is it more of the i
herda]:guess i'm trying to get to has your experience in robotics and being able to
herda]:know what the equipment is doing and how works and all the things you were
herda]:able to experience have you been able to leverage that to be received on the
herda]:floor and not just well i don't know what a screw driver is so therefore
herda]:the guys aren't even gonna talk to you right potentially
thompson]:so i'm not sure if i consciously m like putting off something that knows that
thompson]:i know how to work on tooling but i feel like people that are out
thompson]:in the shop they're very able are very quickly able to tell whether you have
thompson]:a base line knowledge of easy mechanics how stuff works whether you can look at
thompson]:something and figure out what's missing i mean they're they've been doing it how long
thompson]:some guy comes in and they look at something you're standing there have no idea
thompson]:they can quickly tell when you don't know anything about it verse when you go
thompson]:in and have
thompson]:some base line knowledge of how stuff gets
thompson]:put together if you see something taken apart like that was my first couple of
thompson]:weeks can you put it back together so
thompson]:take a
thompson]:of an entire pump
thompson]:putting it back together learn
herda]:this is
thompson]:but i would say they are very quickly able to tell and that does give
thompson]:you some credibility
thompson]:so when i go out on the floor i mean they're able to talk to
thompson]:me any more high level than some people i would say i go out there
thompson]:they explain what the problem is and i'm able to work through with them rather
thompson]:than them just more so telling me hey this is what's wrong this is exactly
thompson]:what we need i can go out and help a little bit with it and
thompson]:then work together on a better solution
doyle]:they never sent you running off to go get the filter bearings
thompson]:no board stretchers
thompson]:no filter bearings none of
thompson]:none of that stuff now
herda]:no apple
thompson]:left handed screw drivers now
herda]:no no the metric
herda]:flathead don't forget the metric flathead
thompson]:the good old
thompson]:metric one
doyle]:exactly his
doyle]:exactly those are those were such good times
doyle]:sorry i'm reminiscing though
doyle]:all the hazing
doyle]:good stuff
thompson]:luckily they've been very helpful so i haven't been sent on any random quests
herda]:careful what you ask for
herda]:once they hear this you never
doyle]:right you never know
doyle]:so what is like one thing i'm always interested to hear what is the one
doyle]:thing that you found to be the most interesting things since joining like a corporate
doyle]:style or business style company coming in right out of right out of school
thompson]:um m i didn't realize how much background stuff goes into everything whether it's accounting
thompson]:whether it's uh following up like in robotics i needed something we would buy from
thompson]:mc master would show up three days later and you wouldn't have to worry about
thompson]:it amount of time and planning that goes behind everything how especially how long speck
thompson]:sheets can be a speck sheet the other day was like a thousand pages long
thompson]:i'm like what is this and clearly it's especially for the whole project and i
thompson]:only have to worry about some of the pages
thompson]:but i didn't realize how much
thompson]:red tape was tied up all the way around once the volume of scale so
thompson]:my company is owned by a larger company ohio transmission corporation just how much has
thompson]:to go in on the back end of just cutting pos making sure everything gets
thompson]:out making sure you're not on hold making sure the customers are paying you is
thompson]:that all the background that like i didn't really think about when i was in
thompson]:high school it was hey we got a credit card for the group you type
thompson]:and what you need it comes through but all that back and stuff that i
thompson]:never release a
herda]:this is why this is why my head looks like this eric oh
thompson]:fair enough
doyle]:oh that's awesome
thompson]:i tried
thompson]:out of the county and i tried to let him know hey this is what's
thompson]:going on but like we got purchasing we got all of that and i am
thompson]:very thankful for them and i kind of just i'm like this is what i
thompson]:need you just you do your stuff i'll keep taking care of my stuff and
thompson]:they're very good about it
thompson]:when they do have an issue they come to me but overall i am not
thompson]:trying to dive into that realm
herda]:yeah that's good i don't want to see you in the
herda]:counting i don't think that would be good for any boy
herda]:so what would
herda]:so for the you know there's a generation behind you right the gen alfa they're
herda]:the six to leven they're like the eleven year old and younger crowd right now
herda]:twelve soon to be in high school um and even maybe some of the younger
herda]:kids that are in high school today to the tail end of your generation um
herda]:what would you tell them what advice would you give them about being open to
herda]:working with their hands or being involved in making things versus the technology side of
herda]:things what would you tell them that as the good things about it to propel
herda]:or help you in your daily life
thompson]:um m i mean i think every one should just learn how to do basic
thompson]:work with their hands i'm not saying you got to know how to disassemble an
thompson]:engine but know how to use drills know what tools are called now how to
thompson]:do basic stuff i mean there's so much stuff
thompson]:even around the house that i end up doing putting up shelves whether it's
thompson]:that or fixing the sink if you need to something just having a base knowledge
thompson]:of how tools work and what how stuff can go together how to take it
thompson]:apart it's not just helping you in your job it will help you all the
thompson]:way through so i think everyone should have minimum a basic tool kit and a
thompson]:good drill
thompson]:i know a lot of people i went and helped my sister hang pictures i
thompson]:go there in the she has a little wolmar carrying pouch that has
thompson]:the purple tools and i'm like
herda]:is cute
herda]:this is cute
thompson]:just get decent like i'm not even go on amazon by a random cheap tool
thompson]:box fill it with some cheap harbor freight tools i'm not saying you need to
thompson]:spend a lot of money i feel like everyone should have a couple of decent
thompson]:tools and then know how to work with your hands a little bit it's so
thompson]:applicable in everything you do whether it's change in attire whether it's putting up shelves
thompson]:or fixing higher and stuff once you get on get future on in life but
thompson]:just learn a little bit how to work with your hands i mean clearly my
thompson]:generation is great at computers and why is that because we're surrounded by computers all
thompson]:day every day
thompson]:so you'll see two year olds on e pads so it's not surprising that we're
thompson]:better at computers than a lot of other generations but like anything
thompson]:else it's
thompson]:a skill
thompson]:you need to
herda]:come on eric
thompson]:in general
thompson]:we have a better baseline
doyle]:it's all
doyle]:right it's all right we expect we expect these
doyle]:you know these young whipper snappers to pick on you the boomer brad
thompson]:but like anything else it's a skill
thompson]:you got to work on it
herda]:and skills are learned
herda]:so that's awesome
thompson]:you're not going to be good at it at the beginning just like how the
thompson]:older generation once they started learning computers they weren't great at it right away
thompson]:it's a skill you gotta gotta get there
herda]:as you have gone through and and looked at you went through school made those
herda]:connections um got out into the work force how
herda]:how much planning or thought went into your you know when you got to fury
herda]:filter and pump how much of the hey this company does these things they make
herda]:really cool things really things that keep america in the world running how much of
herda]:that played into your decision making to join their versus other organizations or that may
herda]:not have been as clear in their messaging or direction
thompson]:for me my first job was at m g s tooling which is just down
thompson]:the road from where i am now and there was all the cool stuff you
thompson]:dreamed about while you were in
thompson]:college they were i would be working on robotic end of arm tools is what
thompson]:i was designing there so you always wanted to do automation you wanted to do
thompson]:robotics you wanted to do the new high end stuff but coming with that there's
thompson]:a lot of challenges not everything is already laid out oil and gas pumping it's
thompson]:a decades old business and it's very well established so after i was let go
thompson]:from there i realize that while the new interesting thing is cool is fun to
thompson]:work on it also comes with a lot of headaches you have to figure out
thompson]:new solutions you're kind of first going into that application and just coming out of
thompson]:college i didn't feel like i had a good enough base to really accell at
thompson]:that i didn't know enough about the industry in general going in for my second
thompson]:job it really wasn't as much about what they were doing for me especially i
thompson]:was looking for ah what benefits came with it clearly i was getting off my
thompson]:parents health care so
thompson]:i needed good for
thompson]:good insurance
thompson]:that it was more so looking for
thompson]:a good job where i coul support myself and make plans for my future so
thompson]:i'm on to buy a house at some point i'm going to want to buy
thompson]:a truck at some point so for me it really wasn't as much about what
thompson]:they were doing as well as how i could improve my situation in life but
thompson]:i got lucky i really enjoy what i'm doing i've had some great people helping
thompson]:me along the way at the company and while oil and gas and pumping applications
thompson]:have been there for how long i mean you're still every once in a while
thompson]:going to get a new application you're going to have something that's going wrong you
thompson]:still get to scratch that engineering itch there is of solving problems and everything else
thompson]:it's not like
thompson]:just because it's an older industry nothing is going to need to fix nothing is
thompson]:going o ever happen that's going to need solutions i thought going in it's just
thompson]:gonna be like well here's the same cookie cutter thing we're selling you for every
thompson]:time but that's not how it is at all
herda]:okay so if
herda]:if if some of your contemporaries and others in the in the you know podcast
herda]:listening world would want to reach out to you to either learn more about your
herda]:journey or opportunities that might exist um at fury as what life is like would
herda]:be a good fit for them how do people find you or get a hold
herda]:of you or what be a good
herda]:good place for them to connect with you
thompson]:um i have linked in that i gave you the website too
thompson]:i never go on facebook i'm rarely on instagram i don't have any of really
thompson]:that's well i have that social media but i am not often on that social
thompson]:media you will will not
thompson]:see me posting any of
thompson]:there but if you get the linked in i'm not going to say i check
thompson]:it religiously as brand knows
herda]:yes that is correct
herda]:it's getting better it's
herda]:getting better
thompson]:it's getting better i'm learning that when i was back in high school i started
thompson]:my linked in and i didn't really realize how powerful it was i'm slowly figuring
thompson]:that out so
thompson]:kind of lie like facebook for another generation you're learning but it's all professional it's
thompson]:a professional facebook
herda]:yet wow all right
doyle]:i don't
doyle]:know again
doyle]:i love you
doyle]:that's funny it's funny
doyle]:o stuff well thank you eric very much for your insights today
thompson]:you for having
doyle]:you on the show
herda]:yeah i appreciate the fact that you are we're baited into this and we're willing
herda]:to do
herda]:it and i do appreciate it i do appreciate our relationship i'm very excited for
herda]:what your career has to offer i think you're in a fantastic role to feel
herda]:your needs and opportunities going forward and i would agree with you that taking it
herda]:apart is better than putting it back together for you and m but that
herda]:problem solving piece that you work on right now today in that current role is
herda]:one of the things that you were really good at and i think you got
herda]:a really good fit right now and they're really lucky to have you so congratulations
thompson]:thank you i appreciate and thank you for having me on to day
herda]:all right man have a good day thanks
thompson]:you guys